Updating My Website
I remade my website using HTML and CSS and JavaScript! Before this, it was hosted on Hostinger and I used their drag and drop web builder to configure the entire thing. However, I had told myself it would be interesting if I tried to recreate the entire thing using Firebase and Github for hosting my code, and it works! Right now, you are reading off of the new website! This is one of many summer projects I have undertaken, but I am quite pleased with the quality of the website. Once I figure out how to hide any keys or details using git.ignore, I will release the code on GitHub so anyone can check out how I did it. Some of the other summer projects I am working on are going through a course on Unity's ML Agents framework, working through MIT OpenCourseWare's Multivariable Calculus content as well as Gilbert Strangs linear algebra playlist, and finally working on YouTube videos for MatterMadeDaily! These projects have been very exciting and time filling, and I look forward to seeing how they turn out! Stay Posted!